Unanswered Questions...
Dear Friends and Family,
First things first, please know that I love you. No matter what choices you make with your own body, I will continue to love and respect you.
As in any reasonable discussion, I seek first to understand, then to be understood.
I want to ask you a few questions about the vaccine; is that ok?
What is the risk for someone our age of dying from COVID?
Is the government always right about everything?
Have you looked at the short-term and long-term side effects of this vaccine on VAERS?
In case something terrible happens after taking the vaccine, can you take legal action?
Should the risk of COVID not be higher than the risks associated with the vaccine to justify taking it?
Are you aware of how many people have died because of the vaccine?
Why is it that the founder of mRNA, Dr. Robert Malone, goes on the internet every day and warns people about this vaccine's dangers?
Why has a former Pfizer vice president come out publicly to claim that they fear this vaccine is a bioweapon designed for depopulation?
Why is Israel, the country with one of the highest vaccination rates, facing some of the strictest lockdowns and most number of covid cases?
Why have 2 of the top FDA people left the FDA in the past few weeks?
Would you say that we're in a calm or hostile global environment?
Did Dr. Fauci fund the Wuhan lab and the COVID virus?
Isn't Fauci's name on the vaccine patent, and isn't that a conflict of interest?
Remember two weeks to flatten the curve? They said we needed to do this so that we don't overwhelm the hospitals. Almost two years in, they're now firing thousands of front-line workers; why?
If you take the vaccine, can you still get COVID? Why is that?
If you take the vaccine, can you give others COVID? Why is that?
Can you still require hospitalization after taking the vaccine?
Can you still die of COVID after taking the vaccine?
Why do you think so many people have said no to the jab?
Is it possible that the vaccine is causing the variants?
Has Pfizer ever been sued for doing anything wrong in the past?
Do you know that there's a revolving door between Pfizer and FDA?
Did you know that Pfizer primarily funds the news?
Are there other treatments for COVID other than the vaccine that are effective?
Even if the vaccines were 100% safe and effective, are you comfortable giving your rights over to the government and allowing them to inject you with an experimental drug at their will?
Why have you taken two doses and now preparing to take the third booster if the vaccine is compelling? Since when did you have to take 3 or 4 vaccines a year?
How many jabs are you willing to take every year, month, day? What's your limit? Do you have one?
If the vaccine is so effective, and you're so protected, why are you afraid to hang out with the unvaccinated?
A good conversation starts with a good set of questions. What other questions should I be pondering on this topic? I'm always ready to debate with people on this topic.
Just because some of us are determined to analyze the facts, please don't consider us terrible people. We're all in this together. We're also scared of what's happening in the world, and we would like some answers.
I will be creating content around my findings to each of these questions over the next few weeks. Stay tuned. Have you seen this before?