Writing is Therapy
I recently concluded that writing IS therapy.
I also realized that we could leverage tools such as Grammarly and copy.ai to help accelerate the writing process.
It's never been easier to get our ideas out there.
I wrote a blog about my relationship with my wife yesterday and how we're about to hit our 10th anniversary.
Not only did she read the blog, she told me that her cousin in Colombia started crying after reading it!
So what does that mean? I can sit in front of a keyboard and monitor, type a bunch of words, post it on my blog and a few hours later, it can touch people on the other side of planet earth.
That is simply fascinating.
Forget making money and bitcoin and all of that for a moment. That's all gravy.
Just the fact that I was able to touch another person's heart by sharing a few words on my blog is mind-blowing.
So if that's possible, what else is possible if I committed to writing every_single_day?
Where may this adventure take me? Who may I meet because of it? Who may I begin to impact that I already know? How may my writings serve others?
Are there essential lessons in my life that I can continue sharing with my "audience" that will impact how they view the world? Perhaps.
However, if I'm being open with myself, it's not even about impacting others. Writing is a selfish act—an act of therapy.
A way to stand back from my internal dialogue. A way to converse with me without being viewed as insane. It's a way of talking through problems and challenges. It's a way of helping yourself get out of your mind and into the world.
"You are writing primarily to please yourself, and if you go about it with enjoyment you will also entertain the readers who are worth writing for." (William Zinsser, On Writing Well)
Do you journal? If not, you should try it. It's a great practice that has served me well over the years. What about journaling publicly? Isn't that what blogging is?
Writing regularly and often also helps me to understand the world more deeply. Before even publishing a thought, I have to sit and think about what others may or may not find interesting.
How do I create evergreen content?
How do I avoid the whole copy/pasta game?
I mean, for the longest time, I was afraid to write. I feared what might happen if I put my thoughts out there. What if I get in trouble or people hate what I'm saying? Then what?
Then recently came across this saying that it's essential to not think about content creation. Instead, the secret is to focus more on documenting the process.
And so, that's what I'm doing during these daily writings. I don't even plan to share most of these posts over my social media because it doesn't even feel like it's worth sharing.
What I will continue doing, however, is that I'll keep writing. So for those few of you who are reading this, thanks! Please give me feedback on what topics you want me to write about. My main subject is "building on bitcoin," but we can wander in other directions, given that building on bitcoin has more to do with how you live than any tactical advice I can provide.